Get the most out of Email Automation Parsing with Parsio in 2023

Get the most out of Email Automation Parsing with Parsio in 2023
Inbox = Gold Mine

I’m pretty confident that most of our email inboxes are cluttered with loads of emails in primary, archive, folders or various other locations.

We are getting tons of emails to our inboxes but are we fully utilizing them to their full potential?

You might be wondering about its full potential? from our emails? What can we possibly use rather than communicate?

Well, our inbox is a hidden gem and it holds a huge amount of data that can be utilized for the good of our business.

If it makes you raise your eyebrows and clinks the curiosity to know more, then this piece of blog post is for you.

We are going to talk about “email parsing” and why it will bring a good deed to you by tapping the data mine from your inbox.

If you’ve been thinking about what email parsing is, let me try to explain it in a way you can grasp easily.

What is an Email Parser?

Extracting the data from email content like header, body and attachments as well to store, analyze, and utilize for further purposes is called email parsing.

But don't we get emails in different formats from different senders?

Yes, we do and parsing techniques are helpful to get the required information from emails.

What will we do when we read an email?

Sometimes we read them line by line but sometimes we glace the content by looking at the important things like the title, date, name, cost, attachment, and other few things.

This is how an email parser works by getting the relevant information we need from an email and using it for further processes.


Here in this image, email content has been mapped out, collected and extracted into the desired format(JSON in this case) to process the data for further use cases.

Why Email Parsing?

It is very convenient to harvest the data from email since it's already there in our inboxes and also you don't have to get details manually from every email since it's time-consuming and unproductive work.

Most importantly getting relevant information from a few platforms is not possible since they might not have an open API and it will be difficult for everyone to get the required data many times.

Imagine you are hosting a stay with Airbnb and people are booking rooms from you.

Obviously, you will get the most important details regarding the booking from the Airbnb host portal itself, but can we use those details to their full potential?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO from me!

Because Airbnb doesn’t have an API open for all and the partner program was a time taking process.


With the emails, you’ll get from Airbnb when a stay is booked, or of any other sort you can parse that email to get data like

  • Name of the customer,
  • Email,
  • Stay Date,
  • Room preference and a lot more.

The above-mentioned data can be easily used for follow-ups, good customer service, collecting feedback, booking calendar slots and a lot more based on your needs.

Email parsing is a boon to people who need to get data from some platforms that don't have open APIs or webhooks to transfer data.

Now that we know why we need an email parser it's time to take a look at how it works in real-time.

How Email Parsing Works

Conditional Processing is a system that helps the parsing technique work in real-world instances.

Email parsing in general is operated by defined rules and mapping the variables to identify, gather and parse data.

It might be from any part of email content like header, body, attachment, or even footer. The parser can figure out the defined variable but the rule we set and extract the data out of it.

Since the parser already gets all the needed information for your emails you don't need to look for that data by searching within the emails.


Steps to Parse Email on Parsio

Parsio is a cloud email parsing platform with many features like contact export, webhook integration, multiple mailboxes, templates, and other cool things to take care of email & PDF parsing with ease.

Since Parsio is a no-code tool, setting up the configuration for email or PDF parsing will be a piece of cake that can be done in three easy steps.

  1. You need to send a sample email to Parsio,
  2. Map the data you want to parse & extract from that email content,
  3. Parsio will take care of the rest by taking out all the relevant data from similar incoming emails in your inbox.

Check this video to understand the action of Parsio easily,

Automate with KonnectzIT

Integrating Parsio with our no-code automation will give you an extra wheel or wings for your parsing and data processing work.

Imagine connecting Parsio with other apps using KonnectzIT, whether it can be a spreadsheet or CRM or landing page builder or marketing analytics or even an event management platform.

And also automating the whole workflow will be real energy, time and money saver that you don't have to put your hands on whenever there is data to be segregated to align based on your business needs.

Let me show you a few examples to demonstrate the capabilities of automating your email parsing work:

Invoice to Email Marketing

Parse order invoice details from your online store purchases and add the customer details into your email marketing tool like MailChimp instantly.

Digital receipts to Account Books

Get your expense details by parsing the PDF from email content and adding them to Zoho books to keep track of the accounts easily.

Automated Reports to Spreadsheet

Whenever you receive a report on your email, be it from analytics or sales achievement or project progress, parse the important details and transfer the data directly to Google Sheets in an automated way.

Google Alerts to Telegram

Get the real-time Google alert notification to your Telegram channel by parsing the content from your email alerts and sending them to the Telegram channel without a wait.

Booking details to Calendar

If a customer books a room on your stay, then you can parse the relevant data like the date from the confirmation email and add them to Google Calendar quickly and automatically.

Web forms to CRM

Using different forms in various places for your business? No worries, you can parse the required data from the emails you’ll receive when a new entry gets registered on any form and add them to your CRM right away in seconds.

Sounds amazing?

It sounds like new possibilities & capabilities to me!

Don't you feel the same?

Parsing the email and extracting the data is one thing.


What are we gonna do with that data?

How efficiently are we gonna handle it?

Which data needs to be focused on first?

Things like these are what will bring you lots of growth and rise for the business.

Automating the workflows will give you a superpower by handling all the tasks on your own.

Now you can focus your energy on more productive work and stop running all day long with loads of tedious tasks.

Start automating them with KonnectzIT.