Innovative Zapier Alternative 2022

Another automation tool? Another alternative to Zapier? How does this KonnectzIT differ from Zapier? And why should I consider this KonnectzIT instead of Zapier?

Innovative Zapier Alternative 2022
The first thing of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency - Bill Gates.

How insightful!

Isn’t it?

Most people think that automation is a massive mountain that they can’t bear its density on their shoulders. In reality, automation is just another technology that might sound like advanced techniques, but it isn’t.

Workflow automation is believed to be highly priced, vapid and tough to swallow for many people in this internet era.

The truth is, they are WRONG.

Task automation is affordable, most useful and very easy(literally) to own & develop for your business. At least by KonnectzIT - new Zapier alternative tool in 2021.

As Gates states, perfectly sculpted task automation in your business’s efficient operation can multiply your metrics on various scopes like efficiency, connectivity, profit, productivity, and many more based on the objective you want to achieve.

automation comic


Many businesses have realized workflow automation's potential earlier and started implementing their IT operations. Eventually, they gave up because of a few challenges(like the one in the image above).

Very few of them found & adopted unique platforms available in the market, explicitly converting manual tasks to automated ones.

Have you implemented work automation on your business already or planning to do it in the coming days?

Even if you think that automation is useless and time-hoarding, here are some stats and predictions that can place an argument on your mind about whether to consider task automation for your business/clients to grow to great heights.

Automation is the New Trend

Do you know that

CEOs spend almost 20% of their time on tasks that can be automated, like analyzing operation data & status report reviews? (source)


  • Some small & enterprises are planning to utilize workflow automation in their business operations to leverage their growth which can create a massive opportunity of more than 1600 million USD (source).
  • By the end of 2026, health & pharmaceuticals will adopt task automation on their manual processes, bringing the market opportunity to more than 900 million USD (source).
  • Poorly managed leads & loss in productivity costs trillions of dollars for companies which can be taken care of by the database automation process (source).
  • People used to spend 50% of their time searching documents; an average of 18 minutes to find each document can be sleeked by adopting workflow automation (source).
  • 40% of productivity efforts are lost to multi-tasking & time to switch between tasks. This is a large number any business can deal with. It can be solved by centralizing the work and streamlining the data between apps to increase visibility and automation (source).
  • Task automation on their business operation, 60% of users feel an increase in quality & quantity of leads passed to the sales (source).
  • When nurturing through automation, brands have seen an increase in a 225% increase in prospects’ volume converted into sales (source).
  • One-click upsells with automation when selling online average order size may increase more than 360% (source).

These are some interesting statistics that we have collected to show you the potential & need for workflow automation in the coming days.

Nowadays, people are using a lot more online apps to get things done than 5 or 8 years ago. A person on average spends almost one-third of their day on unproductive tasks daily, doing manual tasks that can be easily rectified by automation.

Many businesses started to realize this and adopt task automation to increase data & team connectivity, individual productivity, and high efficiency.

Automation is becoming a new trend; you’ll be lagged if you don’t take this unique technology to your business.

It is the future of doing smart work.

Another Zapier Alternative?

Zapier is the first & foremost platform which made success in this automation industry without any doubt.

So when we say KonnectzIT as a task automation platform, they’ll be like “oh!, so you are an alternative to Zapier! Right?”

Our answer is “Yes, But No.”

It may sound confusing, but that might be the correct answer to that question.

Yes, we are Zapier’s alternative in the way of providing results & outcomes. Both Zapier & KonnectzIT is used to connect, integrate and automate manual tasks to save time, money and effort.

But, we are indeed not a Zapier’s alternative. KonnectzIT is developed to be better than that. Our platform is providing solutions that other existing platforms can’t give to their users.

We studied, analyzed and understood the automation users' pain & struggle with the existing solutions, and we made KonnectzIT a solution.

One example is visual flow builder technology; users can build multi-step workflow automation in the existing platform.


How much time is it taking to build such a huge workflow?

How difficult is it to connect the apps and map the fields?

How confusing will it become once they use more than 3 or 4 apps to automate their workflow?

Well, these are among the other pain points that we are solving with the KonnectzIT platform.

So, KonnectzIT is not a simple alternative to Zapier but is envisioned to become the industry’s best workflow automation platform.

To understand more about KonenctzIT, check the amazing features our platform holds to help our users build better & efficient workflow automation.

Features of KonnectzIT

Here we have highlighted a few features of KonnectzIT to help you understand it's dormant & possibilities.

Visual Flow Builder

One of the innovative & creative features of KonnectzIT makes the platform so unique & stands out from other automation platforms. Visual builder is introduced on KonnectzIT to help you build a workflow in an easy & efficient way just by drag & drop the apps and mapping the respective fields. With this feature, anyone can build automation for their purposes without taking any courses and tutorials.

Check our article to know more about this inventive visual builder by clicking here.

Best of Both Worlds

The more apps we add to a platform, the more comfortable you can automate almost everything.

KonnectzIT is sculpted to be the best of both API & webhook worlds. Our tool has the capability to integrate your favourite application via API or through webhooks in minutes from our ever-growing app library.

Our team is working every day to bring more apps into the platform, and we are also collecting the requirements from our audience on the Facebook community & on our roadmap.

This API integration and webhook integration help article will guide on “How to add your favourite application with KonnectzIT.”

Note: If KonnectzIT doesn’t have the app you are looking for, don’t wait until the dev team adds them to the platform. Use the API/HTTP module to integrate any apps with KonnectzIT in minutes.

Time Saving Apps

We named these in-build applications as add-on apps. They are available inside KonnectzIT to help with data formatting and other time-saving options. We have five add-on apps called number formatter, time formatter, text formatter, coupon generator, and API/HTTP module.

Our team is working around to introduce more & more add-on apps to personalize your automated workflows.

We’ve made a help article to learn more about this time-saving app: Add-On Applications.

Here is a short video showing a sneak preview of the date formatter available inside KonnectzIT

KonnectzIT Date Formatter

Visualization Made Easy

No matter how long your workflow is, you can build them quickly in KonnectzIT using a visual flow builder. For instance, connecting 30+ apps on a single workflow while visualizing them along the process is made possible with this new technology.

So you will never get confused or frustrated after building a huge workflow to automate. This visual builder also made mapping fields easy since you can see all of them in a single place.

KonnectzIT Visual Builder

Take a look at this article to witness the workflow visualization with build automation:

Multiple App Profiles

Another cool feature that will let you add more app accounts inside KonnectzIT.

Imagine that you are integrating Gmail inside the platform to connect & automate with other applications, and you have four different Gmail accounts. From those four accounts, you have to use three accounts on your automation.

In KonnectzIT, you can add multiple application accounts, and you can use them simultaneously on your workflows.

Isn’t that cool?

Similar to Zapier?

When it comes to the output, KonnectziT is somewhat similar to Zapier, but our platform has the vision to become more advanced yet simple to use for all kinds of audiences.

We are the world’s first no-code workflow automation platform with a visual flow builder and we are developing many innovative features for helping you develop task automation easily & effectively.

KonnectzIT is a lot different from Zapier and more user-friendly than other existing platforms out there.

Best Zapier Alternative

If you want to hop in to automate and get rid of manual as well as unproductive jobs? Then KonnectzIT is your must tool to use.

If you are an existing Zapier user and get limited with its ladder technique to develop automation, then it's time for you to build automation in a simple & intuitive way with KonnectzIT.

No matter whether you are a rookie or an expert on task automation, KonnectzIT will serve you with all your needs without any intervention.

We are so sure that it will be the best alternative to all other existing automation platforms and KonnectzIT will get loaded with a lot of features as well as app integrations in the coming days.

Also, we have an inspiring community to assist you on the KonnectzIT journey, and our support team will always be there to help with your queries & doubts.

Time to Rethink

You don’t have to struggle to stick with existing automation platforms & their solutions when you have the chance to give KonnectzIT a try.

It’s FREE forever, and KonnectzIT will make you feel that “this is the tool I’ve been waiting for!”

Now is the time to rethink the way you build workflow automation, stop taking too much time to build, stop getting confused while building, and stop enrolling on a paid course just to learn about a tool.

Start using KonnectzIT now, and build your own automation in minutes.

New Way to Work Smarter

Workflow automation is not just a trend which stays here for some time. It is a new way or even a habit to work smarter than before.

With automation, you don’t have to tuck into a lot of manual work that kills our time, energy, money and even productivity.

It will be the wisest choice to automate your work, and KonnectzIT will be a good choice that you will not regret.

NOW - is the most precious time for you to act.